Concrete Recycling – SGC technology put to the test!

Concrete recycling – We take a close look!

On behalf of a potential customer, we took a close look at SGC technology in use for the production of recycled concrete aggregates.   

In our production hall, our “small” CST 500 mobile plant was converted into a test stand, equipped with an extraction system and a total of 60 tons of material was processed. Three batches of 20 tons of impact-crushed recycled concrete with different grain fractions (0-50mm) and material compositions were crushed to 0-16mm and then fractionated. Different settings, such as the width of the crushing gap, were varied in order to investigate their influence on the crushing result. 

Not only the customer, but also we ourselves were delighted with the crushing result. A coarse-grained granulate with only a slight increase in the fine and sand content. Optimum exposure of foreign bodies and crushing of soft fractions into the sand fraction.   

Aggregates produced using SGC technology are ideal for use in recycling concrete. The grading curve produced is very close to the ideal for concrete aggregates, so that sand even has to be added in some cases. The granulate also has excellent static properties.     

We were also surprised by the performance of our CST 500, the first machine ever built by Crush + Size. The installed SGC 650-11 is a special size by today’s standards and delivered a throughput of over 150 t/h at peak times.     

The SGC is a double roller crusher with a rollers specifically designed for the gentle production of smaller fractions. Equipped with hydraulic gap adjustment and overload protection.  

You can rent our crushers.

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